About Us

Our Story

Aliyah Rizq Holdings Pte Ltd started as a family run business named ‘Aliyah Rizq Farm’ founded in 2015 with a 2 acre backyard farm in Mersing with humble beginnings of 30 goats and sheep with the intention of providing the service of aqiqah and qurban.   Over the years, as the business progressed the company has expanded and moved its operations in 2017 to a 25 acres in Bio Desaru with its sister company ‘Agropreneur Farms Sdn Bhd’. Currently the farm is home to over 500 livestock, including sheep, goats, horses and alpacas. In 2022, we have further expanded to 100 acres of our operations in Desaru.   As the demands for livestock and animals during qurban steadily increases, and the supply limited, Aliyah Rizq Holdings in 2018, began expanding its wings to Indonesia and set up a sister company in Medan ‘PT Aliyah Rizq Agriculture’ with the primary focus of being a social enterprise to support low income and less skilled farmers in Indonesia to supply livestock into Malaysia. At present, we have 4 farms running under our flagship and we have over 300 contract farmers in our network.   At present we have set up a quarantine facility to facilitate the export of livestock from Indonesia to Malaysia, to meet the increasing local demands. This opened pathways for local Malaysian farmers to acquire good quality livestock from a secure and reliable source, legally as compared to the current struggle of the exploit of livestock smuggling via the Thailand borders. At present, we have exported over 5000 healthy and good quality sheep.   Aliyah Rizq Holdings is continuing to expand its wings in setting up partner farms across Indonesia to build its own community of farmers to facilitate the needs of the market and the farmers in Malaysia.   In 2023, we set up Aliyah Rizq Africa Limited, headquartered in Kenya for the purpose of breeding, trading and also exploring potential market in the Middle East and Asia. In recent news Indonesia and Singapore has established bilateral ties with Kenya for the purpose of meeting the demands of agricultural produce.   At Aliyah Rizq Holdings we believe passionately about bridging the needs of both the farmers and the community through this social enterprise business model.


Our Produce

Our produce are free to be out and about, grazing freely, never fattened via forced feeding or chemicals, not subjected to mass production farming where they have to endure less than ethical living conditions and at the same time giving the animals their rights. We do our best to raise them in the most natural and stress free environment.

Our Vision

To establish the ASEAN Livestock Standard (ALS*) across Asia to benefit the community in the meat and livestock industry to create quality produce to be accepted & exported globally.

Our Mission

To nurture, educate and empower farmers towards a world-class quality producer of meat, livestock and by-products while maintaining integrity, stability, and traceability of the produce.

Our Hope

To be a united farming community that cares for each other as we care and provide for the community we serve.


Management Team

Our Management Team comprises executives who are experts in their areas of expertise.

Ashraf Bakar

Founder & CEO

The Singaporean entrepreneur has been involved in livestock farming for more than 10 years. He has developed a network of farmers across Australia, Indonesia and Malaysia. His business was awarded the Malaysian Book of Record holder for being ‘The Largest Number of Sheep Slaughtered for Korban’ in 2019, in Johor.

Kadir Majid


Zaid Hamzah

Strategy & Technology Advisor

A technology lawyer and entrepreneur with 35 years of professional experience in the legal, technology and government sectors. He was a former Director at Microsoft Inc, Chief Legal and Regulatory Officer of Telekom Malaysia and Senior Advisor at Singapore Telecommunications (Singtel).

Nazzer Hamzah

Chief Technology Advisor

Over 22 years of professional experience in IT management, project management, service delivery & product/business development. Involved with ERP and greenfield projects related to web & mobile application development & physical server environment to private cloud consolidation projects for MNCs including SGS, IBM, Novartis, and Hewlett Packard.

Key Business Numbers

Take a look at some of the key numbers coming from our various business activities.


Total CSR Beneficiaries


Number of Livestock


Qurban Yearly Orders


Number of Clients


Total Staff


Number of Farms

Products & Services

Business Model

Aliyah Rizq Group (ARG) is uniquely positioned in the market through its 360-degree value offering in the livestock supply chain that benefits distributors (B2B), end-users (B2C) and government-related organisations (B2G). This position is unique to ARG in the farm supply chain. Among its competitors, it is a unique business that offers both breeding and trading services and plans to implement IoT and AI in its business. ARG has the potential for further expansion given the funds to purchase additional livestock for breeding. They also act as a trading arm to a network of small breeding farmers in Indonesia. This supports their growth as the small farmers have stable flocks of sheep that can be imported into Malaysia.

Business Focus

Products & Services




Import and Export

Business Development

Branding and Marketing

Social Enterprise

Community Development

Our Social Calling

Aliyah Rizq Group grooms underprivileged potential farmers and educates them on good farming practices. Meat obtained from the livestock are also distributed to the needy on a weekly basis.

Find out more


  As a company engaged in livestock rearing and meat supply, ARG is positioned in a growing industry with promising opportunities for expansion. We are actively seeking private equity funding to take our business to the next level and capitalize on the increasing demand for meat supply in the markets we serve.   Profitability and Growth The ARG group of companies has demonstrated profitability, which speaks to our strong business model and effective operational strategies. We have a proven track record of delivering consistent returns to our investors, making ARG an attractive opportunity for those seeking to invest in the livestock and meat supply sector.   Growing Business ARG's business is expanding steadily, and we are committed to maintaining our growth trajectory. By investing in our company, you will be joining us on this exciting journey as we strive to meet the ever-growing demand for high-quality meat products. Our strong market presence and strategic partnerships have positioned us for success in the coming years.   Second Round of Funding This is our second round of funding, following the successful completion of our first round in 2022. The funds raised during this round will play a crucial role in fueling our ambitious plans for expansion. We are particularly focused on establishing a megafarm in Indonesia, which will allow us to scale up our livestock rearing operations and meet the growing demands of the market.   Investment Allocation The funds raised through this round of funding will be primarily allocated to two key areas. Firstly, a significant portion will be invested in the development and operation of the megafarm in Indonesia. This project represents a major milestone for ARG, and we are confident that it will significantly enhance our production capabilities.   Additionally, a portion of the funds will be injected into our trading business, enabling us to strengthen our supply chain, expand our market reach, and optimize our operations. This investment will allow us to better serve our customers and maximize profitability.   Join ARG's Journey By investing in ARG, you will be part of a dynamic and growing company that is capitalizing on the increasing demand for meat supply. Our commitment to excellence, profitability, and sustainable practices makes us an attractive opportunity for investors who value both financial returns and ethical business practices.   If you are interested in joining us on this exciting journey or would like to learn more about our investment opportunities, please contact our Investor Relations team. We look forward to discussing how we can collaborate and achieve mutual success.

Media Coverage

Get to know us better through our articles on media coverage, milestones and achievements.




Regional Operations

  As a prominent player in the livestock breeding, trading, and meat supply industry, ARG group of companies has established major operations in Malaysia (state of Johor) and Indonesia. These two regions serve as the primary hubs for our business activities, including breeding, slaughterhouses, and distribution capabilities.   Market Reach Our regional operations in Malaysia and Indonesia enable us to cater to a wide market, supplying meat to consumers not only in these countries but also in Singapore, Brunei, and Gulf countries. With robust facilities and efficient logistics, we ensure that our products reach our customers promptly while maintaining the highest standards of quality.   Livestock Sourcing ARG sources its livestock from various countries to meet the diverse demands of our customers. One of our key sourcing regions is Australia, known for its stringent industry standards regarding health and meat supply quality. By securing livestock from Australia, we ensure that our products meet and exceed the expectations of our discerning customers.   Additionally, we also source livestock from Thailand, leveraging its thriving livestock industry to diversify our supply chain and enhance our offerings. By carefully selecting our sourcing regions, we prioritize the health, welfare, and quality of the animals we breed and supply.   Expansion Plans As part of our growth strategy, ARG is currently expanding its farming operations in Kenya. This strategic move allows us to tap into new markets, diversify our operations, and strengthen our global presence. By establishing farming operations in Kenya, we are not only expanding our livestock breeding capabilities but also creating opportunities for sustainable development and employment within the region.   We are committed to implementing best practices, adhering to environmental regulations, and engaging with local communities to foster positive relationships. Through our expansion efforts, we aim to contribute to the economic growth and well-being of the regions we operate in.   Join ARG's Regional Success As ARG expands its regional operations, we invite investors, partners, and stakeholders to join us on this journey of growth and success. By leveraging our strong market presence, efficient operations, and commitment to quality, we are well-positioned to capitalize on the increasing demand for meat supply in the regions we serve.   If you are interested in exploring potential partnerships or investment opportunities in our regional operations or would like to learn more about our expansion plans, please reach out to our Regional Operations team. We look forward to collaborating with like-minded individuals and organizations to achieve mutual success and contribute to the development of the livestock and meat supply industry.

Qurban* Online

*Qurban is the ritual animal sacrifice during the festival of Eid-al-Adha.

Click here if you wish to order online for qurban related services.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Our Social Calling: Nurturing Underprivileged Farmers and Fostering Environmental Responsibility

  Introduction At Aliyah Rizq Group, we are committed to making a positive impact on society through our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs. With a focus on underprivileged potential farmers, we aim to empower them with knowledge and skills in good farming practices. We actively participate in alleviating food scarcity by distributing meat obtained from livestock to those in need. Our CSR initiatives have touched the lives of over 150,000 beneficiaries, and we firmly believe in giving back to the community.   Empowering Underprivileged Farmers One of our primary objectives is to groom underprivileged potential farmers by providing them with the necessary education and training. Through workshops, mentorship, and hands-on experience, we equip these individuals with the skills they need to cultivate their land effectively and sustainably. By imparting knowledge about modern livestock farming techniques, we empower farmers to increase their farming productivity while minimizing the negative impact on the environment.   Addressing Food Scarcity We actively contribute to combating food scarcity by distributing meat obtained from the livestock raised on our farms. We distribute meat to families in need. This initiative not only provides them with essential sustenance but also contributes to their overall well-being. By addressing the immediate needs of the underprivileged, we strive to create a positive and lasting impact on their lives.   Environmental Responsibility At Aliyah Rizq Group, we firmly believe in promoting environmental responsibility in livestock farming. We recognize the importance of creating a sustainable and humane environment for animals. Through our CSR programs, we emphasize the ethical treatment of animals and advocate for humane farming practices. By educating and raising awareness among our farmers, we encourage them to prioritize the well-being and welfare of the livestock in their care. This approach not only benefits the animals but also ensures the production of healthier and higher-quality meat.   At Aliyah Rizq Group, our commitment to corporate social responsibility goes beyond profit margins. We strive to make a positive and lasting impact on society by empowering underprivileged potential farmers, addressing food scarcity, and promoting environmental responsibility. Through our initiatives, we have served over 150,000 beneficiaries, and we are dedicated to continuing our efforts in nurturing future livestock farmers who are environmentally responsible and humane to animals. Together, let us work towards creating a sustainable and inclusive future for all.

Contact Us

Thank you for visiting our site. If you have any enquiry on our products/services/activities, please contact us via the below contact information.


Corporate HQ (Singapore):
Aliyah Rizq Holdings Pte Ltd
1 Coleman Street, #10-06,
The Adelphi, Singapore 179803

Agropreneur Farms Sdn Bhd
PTD 1721, Jalan Bandar Penawar,
81910 Kota Tinggi, Johor, Malaysia

PT Aliyah Rizq Agriculture
Jalan Marelan VII, Pasar I, LK I
Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia

Phone Number

+65 8808 6207 (CEO)
+65 8889 1085 (General)


For Enquiries on:
General Matters / Investor Relations / Regional Operations
